Free inside

Adam's Updates

Wednesday, May 18th, 2005
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Dear Family and Friends,

Greetings from Mongolia! Looking out the window I can see the bright sunshine on the buildings and trees, with a slight haze obscuring the mountains beyond the city. The weather has been a little cool as the heat was turned off for the summer the week I arrived. We even got to see some light snow flurries a few days later.

Quite a lot of things have transpired since my last update, as I am sure you can well imagine. I will just try to share a few highlights from the past three weeks.

The Oklahoma City Training Center was hosting the Oak Brook College of Law graduation the week before I left, so I was glad to be able to help out with the added work load for evening chore time when the guys do the dishes and kitchen cleanup.

Also attending the OBCL graduation was Dr. Bill Gothard, and since no one was flying with him from headquarters, Mr. Jantz asked if I could assist him for the weekend. This was a very good experience for me, although humbling at times. (Like when I forgot to bring the two boxes of books on our visit to the Diamondback Correctional Facility.)

Looking back, I am so grateful for how the Lord loved me so much that he wanted to teach me a very important, although difficult lesson. Having the spiritual gift of serving, I really enjoy working to meet the needs of others. However, there is a subtle danger in seeking approval from those that I am serving, rather than from the Lord.

I can not think of a set of circumstances where the Lord could have more clearly showed me this difference, and while I greatly enjoyed this opportunity to serve Dr. Gothard, there were a couple situations where my inexperience allowed me to fall short of doing what was expected.

The Lord so gently reminded me that whether I am serving Dr. Gothard, or “the least of these,” my focus needs to be on serving as unto the Lord. If I do my very best, the Lord knows my heart, and while I may not always meet every man’s expectation, it is of the Lord that I receive the reward of my labor. Misunderstandings will happen with men, but God will never misunderstand our heart. (See Ephesians 6:5-8, and Colossians 3:22-24)

Visiting the Diamondback Correctional Facility was a most memorable experience! Driving over an hour West of Oklahoma City, we finally caught sight of the prison, far off the road, and just barely peeking over the grassy rise before it. Rows of fencing and razor wire glittered in the sun, securely enclosing the privately owned compound.

Meeting us outside, the chaplain led us through several gates until we reached the office where we presented our photo ID and passed through the metal detector. Stopping to share a brief word of encouragement with some of the staff at the prison, Dr. Gothard inquired a little more about the inmates.

The pod that we were scheduled to meet was comprised of 120 men, all from Hawaii. Most were serving life sentences for second-degree murder, manslaughter, and other serious crimes. Responding to a faith-based initiative, all of these men had watched the Basic Seminar by video, where Dr. Gothard presents seven Biblical principles for life.

So deeply impacted were these men that every single one wrote a letter to Dr. Gothard, thanking him for sharing these truths from God’s Word. They and the chaplains told Dr. Gothard that if he was ever in the area, he had a standing invitation to visit their pod, known at the prison as “The Faith Pod.”

Clearing more security doors, the chaplains paused outside the door to the pod. “You are going to have goose bumps when you come in here.” the told us, and opened the door. Even with this warning, never could I have imagined what we were about to see…

Joyful, radiant faces beamed as shouts, cheers and applause filled the air. Brightly colored streamers and decorations hung from the railing above, and a huge banner proclaimed the seminar motto: “Giving the World a New Approach to Life!” Like a returning hero, Dr. Gothard was ushered to the front of the central area where chairs had been arranged for Dr. Gothard’s address.

The air was electric with enthusiasm and joy as the ovation continued for several minutes. As the men regained their seats, one of the prisoners came to the podium and read a very formal welcome in English, pausing at each paragraph to translate it into his native Hawaiian language. He then presented Dr. Gothard with a Hawaiian lei, intricately crafted from white paper napkins.

The tastefully designed program continued with some songs by a group of the men, sung in English and Hawaiian, and one of men quoted the entire chapter of Romans 6. My eyes traveled across the group, seeing on many faces the visible scars of the past, yet beaming with a joy that only God can give! These men may be behind bars, but they have found freedom inside!

One after another, men came to the podium to share testimonies of God’s work in their life. Often choked by emotion, but strengthened by shouts of “Amen!” “That’s right!” “It’s okay, man!” coming with tender love from their fellows. Tears running down his cheeks, one man shared how he finally sees light at the end of the way.

Others shared of how they have been sharing these truths with their families and loved ones. One man told how his Mother had stopped reading her Bible and almost given up all hope, when he had the opportunity to tell her how his life had been changed -for the better! Another shared how for the first time he saw God’s love in allowing him to go to prison where he learned truths that he might never have heard outside.

Looking around the room, I could see the same cells, doors and gates that were in the other pods, but here something was drastically different. Brightly colored posters with Scripture verses adorned some of the cell doors, character qualities written out on poster board surrounded the room, and a large sign in the center displayed a resolution that the prisoners had written for their pod.

The time went all too quickly. After Dr. Gothard’s address, the men presented him with an honorary “scrub,” a blue shirt like what each of them wear, but signed by all the members of the pod. Crowding around Dr. Gothard, the men personally thanked Dr. Gothard for all that they had learned in the Basic Seminar, and held out Bibles for him to sign.

Many of the prisoners also greeted Isaac and I, and shared how their lives have been changed. One man asked me how his family back home could hear the seminar. We were past our allotted time, and the men reluctantly gathered near the door for some final photographs before we were obliged to leave.

It would be impossible to adequately describe the two hours we spent at the Faith Pod, but it was an experience not to be forgotten. The same power, I had told them, that has transformed their lives, is what enables us to live the Christian life outside.

“You won’t find that in a thousand prisons,” Dr. Gothard commented to us afterwards. Reflecting on the Christian love and joy that we had so clearly sensed there, I wondered if you would find that type of atmosphere in a thousand churches in America today. Sadly, so many churches have left the life-changing power of applying the principles of God’s Word to our lives, and instead have turned to empty activities and worldly entertainment.

Here in Ulaanbaatar, I continue to marvel at the opportunities that God has set before us. A nation with a whole generation of new Christians, hungry for solid Biblical teaching from the Word of God. We don’t have to look for things to do and ways to reach out. We can’t even cover all the invitations and requests that come to us for teaching English, Character and Biblical trainings.

There are so many other things that I could write about, but I must bring this update to a close. Many needs all around us beckon for our time. Pray that the Lord will give us wisdom as we reach out in His love to those around us.

Praise Points:

– Praise the Lord for working out the details of my return to Mongolia. I was able to get a work permit in answer to prayer, and the Lord worked out my flights, in spite of being sent the wrong ticket less than a week before my departure.

– I am grateful for the opportunity to spend a couple weeks in Oklahoma City, just before returning to Mongolia. The Lord greatly blessed the computer project that I was working on, and I was able to have some very good times sharing with Isaac, Rachelle and David. I also greatly enjoyed spending a day in the Oklahoma City schools, teaching Character First! with David.

– The Lord worked out the opportunity for me to attend the university graduation of Nyambayar, Cindy’s cousin that came to Christ last fall. I was encouraged to hear that he would like to meet for more Bible studies together. Pray that the Lord would allow the details of this to come together.

– Joshua Reimer and I visited the Mongolian International University to see about the possibility of using their facility for larger seminars in the days ahead. In the course of the meeting Leo and several other friends from MIU came up to greet me. Leo and a friend invited me to speak at their student club, and it sounds like some other students are working on a proposal for us to teach at their school again.

Prayer Requests:

– We were able to order some (legally licensed) software from a distributor in Russia for a reduced price, due to our status as a Mongolian NGO. Pray that the Lord will give me wisdom in upgrading our computer systems and network here over the next few weeks.

– After a meeting yesterday, we have scheduled a character training in cooperation with Word Vision, a Christian based organization in Mongolia. We are scheduled to teach an all-day seminar to thirty community leaders from some areas of poverty and higher crime rates. Pray that the Lord will use this training in a powerful way, as most of these leaders are unsaved.

– In recent days I have been spending some focused time working on a database project for IBLP Australia. I started this project when I was in Melbourne in 2003, and have been working on it remotely from time to time. It has been a blessing to have Joshua Reimer from Australia here in Mongolia where we can work on it together. Pray that the Lord would bless our efforts and that we would continue to make rapid progress.


Seeing the array of razor wire and fences, it is little wonder that not a single prisoner has ever escaped from the Diamondback Correctional Facility.

A jubilant greeting from the men of the “Faith Pod” as the Chaplain and Dr. Gothard enter the room.

One of the prisoners shares how God has changed his life through the message of the Basic Seminar.

All the men gathered at the end of our visit for a group photo with Mr. Gothard. I was able to drive to the prison the next week, bringing for each of the 120 men two of Dr. Gothard’s recent books.

I found it quite amazing how much clothing you can fit inside a computer.  🙂  Careful packing allowed me to carry three badly needed desktop computers to Mongolia without going over my baggage limits.

Arriving at CTI on the week of a Basic Seminar in English and Russian, an Advanced Seminar and a Children’s Institute, I had the opportunity to help out in some skits for the Children’s Institute. Here a “French Waiter” tries to explain to his friend why we must test what kind of water we drink in the desert.

Nyambayar’s Graduation from the Mongolian University of Science and Technology. (Nyambayar is on the left, with Cindy’s brother-in-law on the right.)

I am so grateful for all that God is doing here! – And to hear the exciting reports from back home! Please continue to pray for us as we serve together in this ministry.

In Christ,

– Adam

Adam Waller ~

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9

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One more week

Adam's Updates

Thursday, April 21st, 2005
Oklahoma City, OK

Dear Family and Friends,

A week ago today, I loaded my suitcases into the trunk of the rental car, leaving St. Paul Minnesota just before 5 AM, I started on the longest trip that I have ever driven. Thirteen hours is probably not much for some of the road veterans out there, but for a guy that had never driven longer than a couple hours at a time, it was a new experience.

I had brought a stack of cassette tapes to help keep me alert on the drive, but discovered that the rental car was of a little more modern design, only having a CD player. With some more prayer as I started out, I saw God’s hand of faithfulness with me all the way. The full size Buick Century even got 35 miles to the gallon, saving me extra fuel costs. – An answer to prayer.

Enthusiastically greeted in Oklahoma City by David Isaac and Rachelle, it was great to join in on the projects and work teams at the Character Training Institute. I am primarily focusing on some computer work with Jonathan Camenisch, but it has been great to be involved in a number of other projects as well.

I know that a number of you had been praying about the computers that I was wanting to purchase last week. I had found some computers on eBay that seemed like exactly what we needed in Mongolia, and bidding in the last minute of the auction, Derrick and I were able to get six computers for an average of $47 each! Four of these are for Mongolia, and I trust that God will use them to be a blessing to the team over there.

I also wanted to share a little update on the work permit situation in Mongolia. In my last update I described how God had answered prayer in giving us favor in the eyes of the authorities, and everything looked clear for my family and I to join the team in Mongolia in the next few months.

The day after I sent my update, further meetings with the Mongolia Labor Department officials took an unexpected direction. While the Minister of Labor was very understanding and supportive of our work, we were told that she really did not have the authority to go beyond the provision of the law and grant us permission to obtain work permits, unless we could prove that we specialized in teaching a foreign language.

We are currently in the process of applying for a certificate from our District Manager that officially states that we teach English as a foreign or second language. I find it very interesting that teaching English is actually one of the three purposes of CTI-Mongolia, as described in our NGO statement.

Even more amazing is the fact that while we were not seeking this objective, the Mongolian government leaders had insisted that we have this purpose listed in our NGO document! So often it is in the very things that we don’t understand that we later see the hand of the Lord working through our authorities for our good and His glory.

We also learned that they would be willing to give a work permit to my family and I in place of work permits of staff that are leaving in the next few months. (Since we would still have the same number of work permits as we did on January 12th, when the resolution was passed.)

So, in summary, it looks like the Lord is continuing to work out this situation, and while we don’t have the final word, I trust that God will work things out for good according to His purpose and will. It sounds like many of the other organizations may be waiting until the law is reviewed again next year, rather than attempting appeals to the Prime Minister and President just before the national elections.

This week in Oklahoma City we are hosting a conference for the Oak Brook College of Law, so it looks like it will be a full weekend. There is a possibility that I might be assisting one of the guests over the weekend, so pray that the Lord would give me wisdom as I focus on His priorities in my final week in the States.

Praise Points:

– Praise the Lord for allowing us to purchase all six of the computers that we bid on last Wednesday! My family was able to pick them up today, and the one we purchased the week before is already running as the family computer.

– The Lord has been using this time in Oklahoma City to be a great encouragement to me as I see His hand at work in many little ways. The divine appointments to share a word of encouragement with someone, and the ability to help out in areas of need continue to confirm the Lord’s direction in my time here.

– Praise the Lord for working out the final details for my airline tickets. I am scheduled to fly out of Oklahoma City on Saturday morning, April 30th, and arriving in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on May 1st.

Prayer Requests:

– This Saturday my twin brother Isaac and I are scheduled to take Dr. Gothard to the Diamondback Correctional Facility in Watonga, OK for a two hour meeting with inmates from the “Faith Pod.” These inmates are all from Hawaii, and have recently been through the Basic Seminar. Pray that the Lord will use the time to be a real encouragement to them, and that He will give wisdom to Mr. Gothard in sharing and answering questions.

– Pray that the Lord would continue to give wisdom as I work to prepare the server computer for CTI-Mongolia, and that He would bless my remaining days of work here before I travel to Mongolia at the end of next week.

– Please pray for my family as they travel to Oklahoma City to host a Basic Seminar in Guthrie Oklahoma next week. David is working hard to prepare for the Children’s Institute. Pray that many lives would be touched as the truths of God’s Word are brought forth.


I did not have time to take many pictures this week, but I thought I would include one of the Character Coaches. Every day, this team of young people go into the public schools in Oklahoma City, teaching lessons on character, and leading after-school Bible Clubs. You can see my brother David on the far right.

It is really exciting to rub shoulders and hear what God is doing here in Oklahoma City. Two more children came to Christ at a Bible Club a few days ago. I really appreciate the Godly leadership and focused atmosphere of this outreach to the children of Oklahoma City.

Thank you for your continued prayers! May God bless you for your unseen support in prayer!

In Christ,

– Adam

Adam Waller ~

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9

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Answers to Prayer!

Adam's Updates

Monday, April 11th, 2005
Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Dear Family and Friends,

In my last update I mentioned a prayer request in regard to my return to Mongolia. A new law was passed on January 12th, clarifying the requirements for importing foreign labor. Now, instead of the 70% foreign, 30% Mongolian, almost every organization is required to have a 95% Mongolian worker ratio. (Like most businesses in Mongolia.)

This gave rise to some serious concern among many non-profit type organizations, including CTI-Mongolia and other Christian ministries in the country. We were told that the government officials were holding strictly to these terms, and would not allow any new visas or work permits to be granted until this requirement was met.

I was greatly encouraged to hear from several of you that have been praying for this situation. I know that some that have brought this prayer request to their churches and prayer groups, asking the One who holds the heart of the king in His hand, that He would grant us favor in the eyes of the authorities in Mongolia.

When further appeals to our local labor department officials were denied, our director Tim set up an appointment to meet with the Minister Labor for the nation of Mongolia.

On Friday afternoon, Tim and several of our staff met with the Minister of Labor. Discovering that she spoke English, Tim was able to speak directly with her about our situation. The Lord truly prepared the way. Not only was she familiar with English teachers, but she has actually started her own college with foreign teachers.

Understanding our situation, she agreed that it would be impossible to have a 95% Mongolian staff ratio for this type of educational/service-oriented organization. She told us that CTI-Mongolia should be considered an educational organization, falling under the 70% foreigner / 30% Mongolian staff category.

Not stopping there, she went on to call our local Labor Department office, and actually ended up speaking with the very official that had been giving us so much difficulty! Clarifying that CTI-Mongolia is not required to hire additional Mongolian staff, the Minister of Labor arranged for a meeting on Monday to discuss these issues with all the Labor Department staff.

We are so grateful for the way that the Lord has again demonstrated His power in this situation! I have not heard any further reports from the Monday meeting, but it looks like the Lord has cleared the way for my family and I to obtain work permits for our time in Mongolia.

Please do continue to be in prayer as the remaining details are worked out on the work permit issue. While we are grateful that CTI-Mongolia will not be hindered by the new law, a number of mission organizations and Christian ministries still face difficulties in obtaining new staff. It seems that the primary issue is that there is no specific provision for service-oriented organizations.

You may also remember the prayer request for wisdom as I work to obtain some computers and software for Mongolia. Last Wednesday I was checking prices on used computer systems, and came across some interesting listings on eBay.

Apparently deciding to upgrade a large number of computers, the Minnesota Public Library was selling a number of their older desktop computers. When it looked like they would go for a surprisingly low price, I put in a bid, and got a computer (PIII 800mhz,128m Ram, Win2K Pro, Office 2K) for $46!

The seller only accepted local pickup for shipping, so this factor seems to have limited the bidding on these computer systems. – Much to my advantage, since we could pick them up at a library branch an hour away.

Another group of 10 computers is scheduled to finish their auction on Wednesday, so Lord willing, I hope to purchase several of these for my family to bring to Mongolia in June. I am just amazed at how the Lord seems to have worked this out!

I just “happened” to come across these computers the day the auction ended, they just “happened” to be in our local area, they just “happened” to be exactly the kind we need in Mongolia, they just “happen” to have licenses for the software we need, I just “happen” to have gotten one to inspect before I leave for Oklahoma in a few days, there just “happens” to be another batch for auction the next week, my family just “happens” to be able to take them to Mongolia when they come in June.

No, I don’t think it just “happened.” I think that God may be orchestrating something here, something I could never have done on my own! In situations like this, I am reminded that God’s blessing is the most important asset I can have.

The Lord continues to bless these remaining days at home. Just today I was able to confirm plans to travel to Oklahoma City to spend a couple weeks at the Character Training Institute headquarters before heading back to Mongolia on April 28th.

Yesterday we were invited by friends in Minnesota to visit their church and share a little about our plans for Mongolia. I know that their church has been praying for my family and I, and especially the work permit situation last week. It was a great joy to be able to share the fresh report of God’s answer to our prayers.

It was a special joy and encouragement for me to talk with several young men that are growing up with a heart for ministry and a desire to whole-heartedly serve the Lord.

That evening we visited another small church in Minnesota. My family has visited there a few times in the past, and they recently invited me to come and share about the work in Mongolia. God again poured out a blessing on the service as I showed slides and described the work.

These next few days will likely entail much packing and preparation as I leave our farm on Wednesday evening. This time at home with the family has been a special one with many rich memories not soon to be forgotten.

Praise Points:

– Praise the Lord for the answers to prayer in relation to the work permits! The way that God has opened the door brings further encouragement as we take this next step of faith for our family.

– I am grateful for the Lord’s hand of guidance in finding a source to potentially purchase some computers for CTI-Mongolia at a low cost.

Prayer Requests:

– Pray that God will give wisdom in how I spend my time in the next two days. Much packing and completing of projects needs to be balanced with spending time with the family.

– Also pray for safety as I drive to Oklahoma City. I have never made the 14-hour drive alone before, but I trust that God’s grace will be with me. – A tailwind would save on fuel costs too…  🙂

– Pray that the Lord would prepare the way and allow me to be a blessing and encouragement to the team in Oklahoma City as I spend a couple weeks there.


My sister Rachelle surprised Isaac this morning by decorating his office in Oklahoma City for his birthday. – Did I mention that his favorite color is green?

Isaac and I just before I left for Mongolia a year ago. Today is Isaac’s birthday, and I told him that it was quite something to realize that I had a younger brother who was 25 years old. He replied that he thought it was interesting to be 25, and yet not be the oldest child in the family!  🙂

Who says you need a ladder to reach the spaghetti noodles? Lydia demonstrates her doorframe technique.

One of the recent projects of the younger Wallers was to design a boat to take advantage of some standing water in our yard.

The farmhouse at sunrise last week.

“I’d like to see what the other guy looked like!“, These and many other unsolicited comments were patiently endured by Matthew after he accidentally bumped his eye on Samuel’s knee.

For those of you who might be interested, I created our family prayer card from the four pictures above, using some free software called “The GIMP”. I was quite impressed with the program! You can find it at

Thank you so much for your prayers!

In Christ,

– Adam

Adam Waller ~

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9

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New horizons

Adam's Updates

Friday, April 1st, 2005
Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Dear Family and Friends,

For many years my parents have had the vision of serving as a family in some type of mission work. As a newly married couple, they began making plans to serve in Liberia, Africa, but God changed their direction to that of raising a Godly generation.

Over the past 25 years they have labored diligently to train us in the ways of the Lord. Making the decision to homeschool when Isaac and I were six years old was possibly a bigger step than it would be today. As pioneers in the homeschool movement they faced a great deal of misunderstanding from family and friends.

When I tell some people about my parent’s decision to homeschool us, and they learn that there are 10 children in our family, they often say “Your Mother must be an incredible woman!” Well, I would have to say that she is, but it is through God’s incredible grace and faithfulness! God is the one that gives us the motivation and power to continue on, and to go back and make things right when we fail.

We are still very much a work in progress. God is continuing to teach us new lessons in faith and trusting Him. Although we often fail, God has never failed to honor the promises of His Word. We have seen times of great provision and steady work, and we have also seen a few years ago when no steady work for nine months caused our finances to dwindle to almost nothing, -then God showed His power in providing my Dad with a very good job that has supported us since.

As the children have been growing older, (Isaac and I are nearly 25, and our youngest, Matthew, turned 7 yesterday) we are seeing the fulfillment of Psalm 127:3-5 “Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.”

Like arrows launching out, the older ones have begun reaching out in various ministry opportunities in the past several years. I have had the opportunity to work in Oklahoma City, Australia and Mongolia, serving in a variety of capacities, but primarily in computer work and character education.

Reaching new levels of maturity, the younger ones have been taking on more responsibilities at the farm and various short-term ministry opportunities, giving us more mobility as a family, and allowing us to reach out with increasing effectiveness.

In this new season for our family, God has been working over the past several months in opening the way for us to serve together in Mongolia. In the past few weeks God has provided for us to be able to purchase 10 airline tickets, leaving on June 23rd for Mongolia.

Right now, the plan is that I would return to Mongolia on April 28th, and the rest of the family would come on June 23rd, with Derrick following a couple months later after wrapping up some farming projects. We are planning to spend six to nine months serving with the Character Training Institute, the same organization that I served with for most of last year.

We are all tremendously excited about this opportunity, and encouraged to see the Lord’s provision and confirmation along the way. I have been teaching the family a few Mongolian words, and we have had many discussions about what things are like in Mongolia.

We know that we have a lot to learn, but we look forward to seeing how the Lord uses this time in our family as we reach out to the “uttermost parts of the earth.”

As you can probably well imagine, great opportunities for doing much good often come with great opposition from the enemy. I received some very unexpected news this morning from our Mongolia team.

Stopping by the Mongolia Labor Department office, Jedidiah and Dumaa wanted to confirm that I just needed to pick up a Blue Card (work permit) when I arrive in late April. Much to their surprise, they were told that a new law had been put in place regarding foreign workers.

In the past we have been able to operate as an official NGO, (Non-Government Organization) which only required us to have something like 40% of our staff be Mongolian nationals. A new law states that NGOs must now have 95% Mongolian staff. This would mean 20 Mongolian employees for every American staff person!

We had heard some rumors from other organizations about this new law coming, but this was the first time that we had actually confirmed it. Since we only have five Mongolian employees right now, we were told that the Labor Department would not give us any more Blue Card work permits.

Appealing on the basis that my family had already purchased tickets, Dumaa asked if we might still be allowed to come. Holding very strictly to the guidelines, they told us, “No, you will just have to cancel the reservations.”

This reminds me a little of an incident that took place last December when Derrick, Rachelle and David were going with a team to the Philippines for a three-week missions trip. A few days before they were scheduled to leave, they discovered that the broker had not purchased the airline tickets, could not account for over $15,000 that had been given to him for this purpose.

With such an impossible looking situation, God worked incredibly in answer to prayer, and the travel agent was able to find tickets for everyone on the team. They left a few days later with a fresh example of God’s power, and went on to have an unforgettable three weeks of ministry in Cebu. You can see some pictures at: and

I believe that God sometimes brings us to impossible looking situations so that He can demonstrate His power to the world. “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” – 2 Chronicles 16:9a.

Proverbs 21:1 says: “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever he will.” Please join us in prayer that God would move in the hearts of the government officials as we appeal to obtain work permits to continue the work in Mongolia.

Praise Points:

– My 18-year-old brother David was able to spend a few weeks with us at the farm over Spring Break. I am grateful for his energy-giving spirit, and wholehearted investment in our family before heading back to his work at the Character Training Institute in Oklahoma City.

– Praise the Lord for providing the resources for our family to purchase tickets for the trip to Mongolia. The excitement and anticipation continues to build as we see God opening up the way.

Prayer Requests:

– Please pray for the work permit situation in Mongolia. This not only affects CTI-Mongolia, but a large number of other Christian ministries in Mongolia. Our director Tim is planning to discuss this with several government leaders that we are currently working with. Pray that we would have continued favor in the eyes of our authorities, and that God’s direction would be made clear.

– Pray that the Lord would give wisdom in how I use these next few weeks. The uncertainty with the Mongolia Work permit situation could possibly delay my return to Mongolia at the end of April. I know that God will work out the timing of my return if His will is for my family and I to serve in this field.

“Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!” – Psalm 31:19


This year we had the opportunity to attend an Easter sunrise service near our home. Over 50 people came for the outdoor service at 6 AM.

This is a view of our farm from the silo.

Spring is here! – And so is the mud. Derrick’s tractor ended up working much better than the board for returning the van to the driveway.

Have you ever balanced an egg? Near the spring equinox, a steady hand can accomplish this interesting feat.

This poor robin got caught in an unexpected snow this morning.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer! I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord does in these next few weeks!

In Christ,

– Adam

Adam Waller ~

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9


Some of you might be interested in receiving updates on the work going on in Mongolia. Carissa Gay sends out a weekly e-mail with two praises and two prayer requests outlining specific ways to pray for the ministry there. If you are interested in receiving these, please send Carissa an e-mail at, and she would be happy to add you to the list.

I don’t always have the time to touch on all the issues in my updates, so you might find these additional e-mails helpful in praying more specifically for the work. Thanks again for your Interest in Mongolia!

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Sharpening and stretching

Adam's Updates

Friday, March 11th, 2005
Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Dear Family and Friends,

These have been some busy, but fruitful days here on the home front. Realizing that God uses our families to “sharpen” our character and take off our rough edges, I had prayed that God would use this time at home to cause me to stretch and grow.

God is answering that prayer.  🙂  It is not always a fun process, but it is exciting to see the potential of causing us to be more conformed to the image of Christ. As a military Drill Sargent once told his men, “We are going to make you sweat in here so you don’t bleed out there.”

My idea of moving the home office upstairs and rearranging furniture in our small house presented a few challenges, or character-building opportunities, with so many ideas involved. Nevertheless, I think that we have been able to make some very good changes that will help us to operate more efficiently.

Seeing the Lord’s hand at work in the past couple weeks continues to bring encouraging highlights in the midst of all the projects.

Last Thursday I had the opportunity to join my family on the monthly visit to a local nursing home with our church. The hour of singing and brief message always seems to come as a great encouragement to the people there.

Arriving a few minutes late, we worked to set up our music stand so Sarah and I could join with the piano and violin. The first notes I played on the accordion brought the sudden realization that the electric piano must have been adjusted out of the normal range. I didn’t want to create an extra distraction trying to find the adjustment knob, so we just smiled and played a little quieter.  🙂

It was amazing to see how many new faces there were after being away for a year. I hardly recognized anyone. It really gives you a perspective on how short life is, and how important it is to be able to reach out to these older folks, most of whom will be in one of two places for all of eternity a year from now.

I have really enjoyed being able to spend time talking with Mom and Dad here. The time difference and occasional technical difficulties made extended communication from Mongolia a little more difficult. Technology has made great strides, but it is just not the same as sitting down on the couch together.

The Mongolian Bible Software project continues to progress. I just got an e-mail a few days ago, and it sounds like we are getting close to a first public release of the Mongolian Bible module. I have taken on the project of coordinating the Mongolian localization of the program. (This means working with some Mongolians to translate the menus and buttons on the program so that it can display the commands in Mongolian text.)

With continuing progress abroad, it is neat to see how the Lord is also working right here in our area. On Tuesday I joined my family for the weekly follow-up course that they have been leading with a family in the area. This course takes the Biblical principles taught through the Basic Seminar ( and brings them to personal application in our lives.

God has a way of bringing His truth to our lives at most appropriate times. I have been memorizing some verses on loving others and going the extra mile, and the principle we studied on Tuesday evening was on forgiving others as we see God working in our lives through them. Family relationships give many good opportunities to live with a forgiving and patient attitude.

It was very special to see the O’Brien family again. I had taught three of their children at a Children’s Institute seminar in 2001. That was really their first introduction to the IBLP ministry, and they have recently joined the ATI home schooling program, and are working to train their children in the ways of God.

The joy and excitement that we see in their lives as they apply the truths of God’s Word has been rewarding for all of us. It is special to know that God is working in people’s lives, and sometimes has allowed us to have a little part in that work. We will never know all that God is doing until eternity, but we can trust that He is faithful to complete the work that He has begun.

Another joy has been to have my younger brother David home for a few weeks during spring break. David has been working with a team in Oklahoma City, teaching character in the public schools, and leading after-school Bible Clubs for the students. God is really doing some exciting things there as well.

While I am home, I have been working on several projects for Mongolia, with one of the main ones being to obtain software and a computer for our expanding needs there. The Lord really blessed in allowing me to clarify some licensing issues that would have cost us hundreds of dollars.

I am doing some research to get a server computer and software solutions for our other computers over there. It is extremely difficult to find legitimate software licenses in Mongolia, but I know that God will honor our desire to do things completely honestly. God’s blessing is the most valuable thing we could have on our work, and is worth the “extra” cost.

Praise Points:

– Praise the Lord for the continuing progress on the Mongolian Bible Software project. Our translator Saraa is very excited about the program, and told us that it has been a great blessing to her life and work.

– The Lord has allowed me to have some very helpful discussions with IT staff from IBLP and CTI, and profitable research as I continue to look for the best solutions to meet our needs in the technology realm. Last night I was able to purchase a used computer on eBay for a good price.

Prayer Requests:

– Pray that I would be able to connect with just the right Mongolian that can help with the translation of the Bible Software program.

– Over the next few weeks I plan to make some purchases of some computer hardware and additional software items for our network in Mongolia. Pray that the Lord would direct me to just the right items, and that I would be able to get them at a reasonable price.


Lydia also enjoyed helping with the snow fort.

Sporting a new addition on one side, the snow fort continued to get larger until a few warm days this week. I am grateful that relationships built on the cold days don’t just melt off with the snow fort.  🙂

A Wisconsin sunset as seen through the door of our snow fort.

Reminding us of some special hours together in 2001, the O’Brien family still has a picture from the Children’s Institute.

Now, four years later, our families are going through the Follow Up Course together.

The younger ones have been having great fun with the Erector Set toys in the past few days. Here Matthew wanted me to take a picture of his tractor and wagon. Notice the dual tires at the back.

Thank you for praying for me! I am grateful for your support in this way.

In Christ,

– Adam

Adam Waller ~

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if
we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9

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Home snowy home

Adam's Updates

Thursday, February 24th, 2005
Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Dear Family and Friends,

It is really hard to believe that almost an entire month has gone by since my return to the States on January 26th. The days have been fruitful and full of opportunities to reach out to others. It is amazing how spending some time in ministry overseas changes your perspective. I do pray that the Lord will allow me to keep a ministry focus in my “Jerusalem and Judea”, not only in the “uttermost parts of the earth.”

As I was preparing for my return to the States, I had arranged to spend a couple weeks at the Character Training Institute in Oklahoma City. I figured that the extra time there might allow me to spend some time with Isaac, Rachelle and David, since I would not see them much at the farm.

I also wanted to take the opportunity to give back a little to the ministry that the Lord has used so much in my life over the past several years. I had the opportunity to work with Jonathan in the computer department all the time that I could over the two weeks that I spent in Oklahoma City.

God’s amazing timing was again seen in an unexpected message from Mongolia. A few days after I arrived in Oklahoma City, Jedidiah from the Mongolia team let me know about some warning signs that the hard drive on our main computer there was probably failing.

We worked together for the next several hours to get the data transferred to another computer and backed up in case something catastrophic happened to the ailing computer. This proved very timely as the hard drive failed completely on the following day!

It was so neat to see the timing in all of this! Because of the early warning signs we were able to get things moved and transferred with zero data loss! That is an unusual blessing with a hard drive failure.  🙂  My recent experiences with the hard drive on Tim’s laptop also prepared me to more efficiently assist Jedidiah in handling the situation.

While in Oklahoma City I was also able to replace the hard drive from Tim’s laptop and get the software installed and set up again before sending it off to Rebekah Myrick who was heading over to Mongolia a week later. We could hardly have planned it better to have the laptop repaired and hand-carried back to Tim.

Spending some time catching up with a number of people in Oklahoma City was an added blessing to my time there. Even Timothy Crawford that had helped us at MIU in Mongolia earlier last year stopped by to hear what was happening in Mongolia.

I had the opportunity to share a report on what the Lord has been doing over in Mongolia, and on Monday evening about 70 people gathered to see over 200 pictures as I tried to briefly describe the work and opportunities before us.

Flying back from a training conference in Indianapolis, the arrival of my younger brother David brought the entire family back together for the first time since March of last year. We traveled a few hours south to Broken Bow, Oklahoma to spend a week together at a beautiful cabin that some friends most graciously allowed us to use.

We enjoyed beautiful weather as we spent time together hiking through the woods, fishing in the stream, jumping across rocks, and roasting marshmallows over a campfire. A park area in town was the perfect setting for those long-anticipated family volleyball and soccer games, and the small lake gave the younger ones a chance to actually catch some fish.

Lydia was following our instructions to carefully watch her bobber floating in the lake, and finally she told me, “Adam, can you watch my bobber for a few seconds? My eyes are getting blurry!” “Okay, Thanks! They are better now.” Sometimes they take our advice a little too seriously…  🙂

Homemade tacos accented by a few bites of fresh bluegill was a treat for everyone, but it was just nice to be together. The last couple miles of our hike, and finishing the dishes in the kitchen afforded some great opportunities to talk with each other.

Returning to Oklahoma City, we left Isaac, Rachelle and David to continue their work there while the rest of us departed at 4:00 AM on the 19th for the drive back to Wisconsin where I was scheduled to preach at our church the next morning.

The Lord again gave grace as I finished my outline on Sunday morning and preached on the love of God that always gives what is best for His children.  That afternoon I shared a Mongolia presentation with several families from the church. We didn’t have a projector, but Dad’s laptop screen was large enough for most everyone to see pretty well.

It has been really special to see how my younger siblings are growing and maturing. Even Samuel was showing a new sensitivity as he tried to get my bed ready for me and turned off the light so it wouldn’t shine in my eyes as we got ready for the evening.

All of my younger siblings have been really excited to have me home, much more than I had anticipated. They have been asking about building a snow fort, and Lydia wants to show me the barn and the animals.

This morning as I was finishing some Bible reading, several of the younger ones came in to my room to talk with me. “Adam,” Matthew spoke up, (he will be turning 7 next month) “where do you think is the best place to be?” “Well,…” I said, and gave a subconscious answer as I read through the next few verses. “Do you want to know where I think is the best place to be?” he continued, “In Heaven.” “But it would be good to go to Mongolia, because then they can go to heaven too.”

On Tuesday I shared another presentation with several families from the area. God really answered prayer and made that the best one so far. Even the projector failing half-way through gave a good chance for an intermission. I had some very good discussions with different ones on how teaching character lays the foundation for sharing the gospel.

Coming up to me afterwards, one little boy said “I know a verse that sounds like what you said in your prayer.” He went on to quote John 3:16. I had to smile as thanked him for sharing that. It wasn’t very many years ago that I was the 8 year old boy, talking with the visiting missionary.

Getting things organized here at the farm, catching up with family and friends, helping out with projects on the farm, building snow forts and playing cars with younger siblings and working on several computer projects for Australia and Mongolia looks like it will make this a very full couple months at home.

I am so excited to see the divine appointments, opportunities to share with others, and so many things that God is opening up here! I know that this is exactly where the Lord has me right now, and it is exciting to see His blessing in answer to the prayers of His people.

Also, I should mention that right now the tentative plan is that I will spend a couple months at the farm with the family, then head back to Mongolia in mid to late April.

Praise Points:

– Praise the Lord for the very productive and fruitful time in Oklahoma City, and the memorable week together as a family.

– I am grateful for the continuing opportunities to invest in the lives of those around me. It is really exciting to see what God is doing here in Wisconsin through my family and others over the past year.

Prayer Requests:

– Pray that the Lord would continue to give me His wisdom as I seek to maintain balance in investing my time and energies between the family, farm projects, personal projects, and continued work for the ministry abroad.

– Our family is traveling to Indianapolis this weekend to attend the wedding of a friend. Pray that the Lord would use us to be a blessing and encouragement to those around us.

– Next week I am planning to do some research and look at purchasing a number of hardware and software items for the CTI-Mongolia office. Pray that the Lord would give wisdom in making the best use of our resources as we prepare for the expanding needs in computer equipment.


Together at last. The whole family posed outside the Oklahoma City Training Center for a family photo.

The cabin in southern Oklahoma provided a wonderful opportunity to spend time as a family, and the weather was beautiful. It was really hard to believe that we were doing this in February!

Isaac bought a fishing license and some bait so he could help the younger ones at the lake. They enjoyed catching about 10 small fish which Isaac carefully prepared for dinner that evening.

Instant Messaging and phone calls are great, but the real thing is even better.

All the children pause for a picture before jumping across rocks up and down the creek.

Building snow forts in the back yard with your younger siblings can be just as important of a ministry as mission work in Outer Mongolia.

Thank you for your continued prayers! Location changes, but opportunities for ministry and outreach are just as real.

In Christ,

– Adam

Adam Waller ~

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if
we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9

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Happy reunion

Adam's Updates

Tuesday, February 1st, 2005
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Dear Family and Friends,

I had intended to send one more update just before leaving Mongolia, but an unexpected computer issue kept me quite occupied right up until the time that I left. Maybe I can start with a brief summary of my last week in Mongolia.

On Wednesday evening, Tim and Angie went out to the airport to welcome George Mattix on his very first visit to Mongolia. As the director of the IBLP International Department, Mr. Mattix was on his way back from Hong Kong and the Philippines, bringing exciting reports about what God is doing in these branches of the ministry.

The next morning I started the Teacher Training Course in our classroom while Mr. Mattix, Tim, and Angie went to the government office for meeting with Naran, one of the city leaders that is over all the social work in Ulaanbaatar.

Hearing reports of what is happening with the orphan ministry in the Philippines, the meeting continued for most of the day as Naran drove Mr. Mattix, Tim, and Angie to two different orphanages in Ulaanbaatar, giving them a personal tour of each.

They arrived back at the apartment just in time for the Thursday evening Character-English classes. The next morning started off with the Teacher Training Course again in the morning, and that evening we had a dinner with our pastors and several other Mongolian coworkers and friends, concluding with a hymn sing.

Saturday morning Character-English classes began the weekend, and in the afternoon we visited the Mongolian ger where Dumaa, Sahiaa, and their family live, and then we toured the New Tribes Mission headquarters building.

It was quite fascinating to see how they heated the 10,000 sqr. foot building. They have a special furnace that burns used oil from the old locomotive trains. A very inexpensive alternative to coal, they are able to heat the entire facility for about $1,000 a year! A sudden power outage there in the basement made me again grateful for my key chain flashlight as we found our way out of the darkness into the light.

Mr. Mattix taught a Sunday school lesson, then preached for the main service at Holy Way on Sunday. Puja did a great job translating, although we had to smile sometimes as we realized our new awareness of how much we as Americans tend to use idioms in our speech.  🙂

All in all, I think that Mr. Mattix was able to get a very good taste of the work here in Mongolia, and will be able to report back to IBLP headquarters with better information for ideas and decisions. In a final meeting before he left, he told us “I had no idea of the scope of the work that you all are doing out here.”

The next few days went by very quickly as I tried to wrap up some final things before my departure on the 26th. Among these projects, I thought it might be nice to add some more memory to one of our main computers. This is typically just a five minute job of turning the computer off, plugging in the memory, then starting back up.

Well, shall we say that this time it was not a five minute job. 🙂  I tried plugging in the memory but the main computer did not like it. (I had purchased 133mhz speed memory instead of the 100mhz type.) I thought it might work in one of the other computers instead, so I tried it in one of the workstations. Instead of beeping with a message about the wrong type of memory, this computer stopped responding completely.

In the hours that followed, it became clear that the main circuit board in this other computer had taken a fatal memory lapse, so to speak. I got to make one more trip to the computer store for a new main board, and the evening before I left the Lord allowed me to finish getting that computer up and running again. The failed hard drive in Tim’s laptop made it all the more important to have the five other computers in running order when I left.

Even with the busy schedule and projects to finish, the Lord still allowed for some good opportunities to spend time with people before I left. That Sunday afternoon, a young man from our church invited the three of us young men to come over to his apartment and join him for lunch. Having spent several weeks working with a Christian ministry here in Mongolia, Andre’ was headed back to his home in New Zealand in a few weeks.

Sharing some simple sandwiches, we had a most profitable discussion on spiritual things. How do we study the Bible? How does a person find God’s direction in life? It was neat to be able to share from our lives some of the things that God has been teaching us over the past several years.

On the mission field it is often easy to forget that the missionaries themselves are sometimes are just as much in need of encouragement and good Christian fellowship as the nationals. Rather than jealous competition with one another, there is a great blessing in working together as a unified body.

Of my flights back to Oklahoma City, probably the most notable event took place in the Chicago airport. Arriving at 4:30 in the afternoon, I had a few hours layover before my flight to Oklahoma City at 7:50 PM. I spent some time walking around, bought a couple hamburgers for supper, then settled down in a quiet spot to catch up on some journaling.

As I was sitting there in a quiet terminal, I noticed a couple young men across from me, talking on the phone. They looked clean cut and well dressed, and then I noticed their little name badges. We had seen some Mormons in Ulaanbaatar, and my heart went out to these two young men. They were probably close to my age, a little younger perhaps, and likely going out for their two years of service.

Looking at my watch, I prayed that the Lord might work out an opportunity to talk with them, and possibly be able to share some truth from the Word of God. About 45 minutes later, my flight was scheduled to start boarding, and the guys were still talking on the phone. I decided that the Lord must have had another plan for them, and gathered my bags, I started walking to the gate.

Arriving at the gate, I discovered that the plane still had not come in yet, and the flight was delayed an hour or so. That is interesting, I thought, and walked back to where the Mormon guys were still talking on the phone. A little later one of them finished, so I went over and introduced myself. He was on his way to Moscow, I learned, for his two years of service.

I asked him a little about his family, and told him what I had been doing in Mongolia. He seemed quite open to talking, and responded to a warm, friendly attitude of genuine interest and concern. I told him that I was a Christian, and began sharing a little about my faith.

The Lord really seemed to guide the conversation as I shared about Christ being the full atonement for our sin. All the religions of the world are based on man trying to be good enough to have a relationship with God, while Christianity reveals a God who so loved the world that He gave His Son to reconcile us to Himself.

As well as they could, the two Mormon guys tried to explain how we need to prove our faith by our good works, and try to earn back a fellowship with God. It was a little more difficult for them as I continued gently probing them to show me from the Scriptures where we need to do something to earn our salvation.

Again, there was such a neat spirit about the whole conversation. There was no arguing or defending opinions, no taking up offenses, just a genuine interest in revealing the truth. “Where are you basing your faith?” I asked again, “Is it in what some man said, or is it in the timeless and changeless perfect Word of God?”

More than just feeling or impression, I want my faith to be based upon the Word of God alone. All around us we see groups that have added or taken away from the Word of God, and have been led astray by the enemy. “My greatest desire for you,” I shared with them, “is that your faith would rest not in the wisdom of men, but in the eternal power of God’s Word.”

Their flight was about to begin boarding, so we shared a few more final thoughts before they had to go. It was so neat to see how the Lord brought Scriptures to mind that revealed the deception in what they believed. Isn’t that why we are exhorted to study to show ourselves approved unto God, workmen that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth?

I trust that God will use this conversation, and while I may never know the outcome, I don’t believe that our talk will be quickly forgotten. They allowed me to pray for them at the end of our talk, and I continue to pray that God will open their eyes to the truth of His Word.

There will always be people who can win a debate, or defend an opinion, but it is not so easy to silence a conscience that bears witness to the truths of God’s Word.

Praise Points:

– I am grateful for how the Lord allowed me to wrap up some complicated computer issues before I left Mongolia. These would have been much harder to deal with if they would have happened a few days or weeks later.

– I praise the Lord for a very fruitful and special time in Mongolia over the past ten months. Many memories and joys, many lessons and challenges, yet a personal testimony of God’s grace to help in time of need.

Prayer Requests:

– On Monday evening, February 7th, I have the opportunity to share a report of my time in Mongolia to the staff here. Pray that the Lord will allow the details to come together for this, and that it would be an encouragement for the ones that “stayed by the stuff” to make this work possible.

– Here in Oklahoma City, I am spending a couple weeks working at the Character Training Institute, (Character First! Headquarters). Pray that the Lord would give me wisdom in making the best investment of my time between family, staff, Mongolia, and work projects.


Snow removal is a little different in Mongolia. Here you see some workmen chipping up ice, then sweeping it away with straw brooms. One asked me what was wrong that I wanted to take a picture.  🙂

On the shores of Mongolia. Well, not quite. 🙂 Our dining room mural made a nice background for a last picture with pastors Enkhee and Dugermaa.

Mr. Mattix had his first opportunity to visit a ger on his four-day visit. Dumaa and Sahiaa’s mother made some fried bread and a hot yogurt type drink for us.

This is how running water works in most gers. Conservation and recycling are learned by those that frequently carry water.

A Chinese catering company loads the meals onto a jet for an International flight.

A happy reunion in Oklahoma City. Isaac and Rachelle drove out to pick me up after my delayed flight got in at about 1 AM.

Thank you so much for praying for me over these months!

In Christ,

– Adam

Adam Waller ~

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if
we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9

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A quick note

Adam's Updates

Tuesday, January 25th, 2005
, Mongolia

Dear Family and Friends,

I was planning to send out one more update before leaving Mongolia, but I got swamped with a number of unexpected things that came up. I will try to send a little more of a report when I get back to America, but I thought it would be good to send a brief note so that you could be praying for a couple things.

I am scheduled to leave tomorrow morning (Wednesday, the 26th) at 6:30 AM for my return to America, and should be arriving in Oklahoma City at 10:00 PM on the same day. (Time seems to stand still when you are flying this direction.)

Everything seems to be coming together, and I am working on packing my bags this evening. I spent about five hours today working to get one of our computers back up and running after a major crash, but I am grateful that things seem to be working good now.

Also, please be praying for the family of one of our Mongolian staff. Ideree and his wife Khonda are expecting their first child, and that after a miscarriage last year. It sounds like Khonda may be in labor at full term right now. We are all very excited for them! Pray that they would have a smooth delivery with no complications.

Thank you so much for praying for us!!

God bless you!

In Christ,

– Adam

Adam Waller ~

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if
we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9

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Plumbing in Mongolia

Adam's Updates

Friday, January 21st, 2005
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Dear Family and Friends,

After spending a very full month visiting with family and friends in the States, Tim and Angie were scheduled to arrive back in Ulaanbaatar on January 12th. For the past few weeks we have been thinking about what we could do to welcome them back.

Thinking of the repairs and improvements that we had worked on in their apartment before their first arrival as a couple, I was reminded of the bathroom faucet. In Mongolia it is very common to use a shared faucet for the sink and bathtub, and the long spout swivels between them.

The one in their apartment had old, unmatched handle replacements, and the badly leaking spout hardly reached the sink. It still had some functionality, but was not what we wanted to leave for our newly married director and his wife.

We purchased a replacement faucet last summer, but with the many other projects, I ran out of time before I could install it. Now that Tim and Angie were away, I thought that this might be a perfect opportunity to replace it for them.

A little more research revealed that I could get a much higher quality faucet for just a few dollars more, so I exchanged the new Russian one for the better Czech model. Changing into some work clothes, I went over one evening to take out the old faucet.

Little did I imagine what I was getting in to! The water pipes, I discovered, came in at a strange angle instead of perpendicular to the wall. The old faucet had been installed by means of a custom wedge shaped rubber gasket, but the design of the new one did not allow for such a simple solution. The Russian faucets, I also discovered, use a different thread size for their three-quarter inch fittings.

I carefully set out to remove one of the brass fittings, only to have the aged part crumble under the wrench. Unfortunately, the threaded part broken off inside the cast iron elbow did not come out so easily. It took about an hour of sawing notches with the end of a hacksaw blade to remove the remaining pieces of the old fitting.

The second fitting only lasted slightly longer before it too tore off from the pipe elbow. (You might be interested in seeing the picture below.) Sensing that this was an opportunity to live out some of the character that we teach, I patiently worked to extract the threaded end from the pipe.

My efforts to move the sink also met with some unexpected challenges. I was drilling a hole through the cement for a new anchor when I hit something metal. It did not seem like rebar, and I could not imagine why they would put an electrical conduit or water pipe at this location inside the wall. I was not extremely anxious to drill through it without knowing what kind of surprise was waiting on the other side.  🙂

I remember praying and talking with my parents about the project. Was God trying to redirect my energies, or was this just an opportunity to work through some challenges? I sensed that the latter was the case, but I was wondering how to proceed on the project.

The next day it seemed like the Lord brought everything together. The last pieces of the old fitting came out, and I was able to have a new fitting custom welded to adapt to the angle. The metal behind the sink turned out to be just a metal plate embedded inside the wall for the original sink brackets.

It is a different experience working on these types of repairs in a foreign country! It is often difficult to get good tools, and extra creativity is required to work with a limited supply of materials. I do enjoy the challenge though, and enjoy being able to serve others in this way.

Living on a farm and always trying to find the most creative and resourceful way to repair things was great practice for mission work! It also lets a person see how important it is to have the Lord’s blessing in the work that you are doing. So many times the Lord can give a little creative idea that saves a great deal of time and money.

We have also seen the Lord’s blessing in other areas of the work. You might remember Gambaa, a homeless Mongolian boy that trusted Christ for Salvation a few weeks ago. It was with surprise and delight one Sunday morning that I found him coming to join us for the walk to church. Just the night before, Jedidiah had specifically prayed that Gambaa would be able to come to church with us.

Also joining us was Byambaa, a young lady from our Saturday Character-English class. She is a Christian and was looking for a good church to attend. Byambaa really seemed to enjoy the service at Holy Way, and has started attending regularly.

A couple weeks ago we stayed after the main service to talk with some of the Mongolian young people. It was a really neat time of sharing together with different ones. One young man only knew a few English words, and I only knew a few Mongolian ones, but as we pointed out the Bible passages that have been a blessing to us recently, I could sense a kindred spirit that needed no words to communicate.

Last Wednesday was a day with many challenges. In some ways it was one of the most difficult times that I had experienced with Tim and Angie away, but God’s grace was there to perfectly match my need. Little wonder that the very day that Tim and Angie returned would see the greatest opposition from the enemy of our souls. God’s grace triumphed and we joyfully welcomed our leaders back to Mongolia that evening.

The Lord continues to work in amazing ways. In my last update I mentioned that there were no seats available on the flight that I was planning to take on the 19th. Talking further with my parents and Tim, I explored some further options, and found a number of benefits that could come if I stayed a week later.

Then with the arrival of Tim and Angie, I learned that our International director George Mattix was coming for the first time to see the work in Mongolia, arriving on the 19th! As a result of rescheduling my departure, I will actually be here for his four day visit, and even get to see the start of the English Basic Seminar before I leave!

God’s ways are so amazing! It reminds me of the verse in Proverbs that explains how man plans his way, but God directs his steps. I had planned what seemed perfectly logical, but God directed to an even better plan, based on factors that I did not know at the time. The most interesting thing in this is that investigating things further, it still remains a mystery why we were told that the initial flight was full.

I also wanted to share a little update on the Mongolian Bible Software. After the meeting with Ewen, the Lord allowed us to work out the final details to begin testing the first Mongolian Bible software. Just last week I had the joy of installing it on our translator’s computer. Saraa was very excited about being able to do word searches, and said that she will be using the program a lot. We will probably take a couple months to test it out before doing a wide-scale release, but it is very exciting to see this project coming together.

The adventures of the last few days took a new turn last week as Tim’s laptop suddenly began to crash. The infamous “Blue Screen” seemed to indicate either overheating or a hard drive failure. I was very grateful to be able to copy the most needed information from the failing hard drive before it completely crashed a couple days later.

My heading back to the States will allow Tim and Angie to use the computer that I was using, and I should be able to take their laptop back to the States to be serviced under warranty. I am so glad that this happened before I left! It would have been much harder to work through remotely, and this way I can take the computer back to the States with me.

These last few days before I leave promise to be very full, but it is so exciting to see all that God is doing here! Just this afternoon we finished teaching a two-day, 8 hour training on the character quality of sincerity. There were a number of very special answers to prayer as God gave us the ability to teach, even with very little preparation time.

I am looking forward to seeing family and friends back in the States, and most of my remaining hours here will probably be used in wrapping up the final details for my return next week.

Praise Points:

– Praise the Lord for the safe return of Tim and Angie. It has been a real blessing to have them leading our team here, and all of us appreciate the personal investment that they have made in our lives.

– I am very grateful to see the Lord answer prayer in allowing the Bible Software project to be brought to reality in the past few weeks. I am looking forward to the day, possibly in a couple months, when it can be freely distributed throughout Mongolia.

– The Lord’s hand in orchestrating my return date has proved such a blessing! This “extra” week allowed me to be involved in teaching one more “Teacher Training” class before I leave.

Prayer Requests:

– Pray that the Lord would continue to extend His blessing on Mr. Mattix‘ visit. Tim, Angie and Mr. Mattix had good meetings with two government leaders yesterday, and Mr. Mattix will be preaching at Holy Way church this Sunday. This is his first time to visit Mongolia, and he has been very encouraged to see the work that is going on here.

– With my departure date on Wednesday the 26th, pray that the Lord would allow me to wrap up the most important details and projects before I go, but still be able to take time with the staff here.


Sometimes old fittings don’t just unscrew. Such was the case with the brass fittings in Tim and Angie’s apartments.

Although the smoke gets pretty thick in the winter, it sometimes affords some neat sunrises and sunsets.

Our taxi driver pulled up behind this truck so that I could get a good picture of a Mongolian meat truck. This one is carrying frozen sheep.

Here I am showing our translator Saraa how to use the new Mongolian Bible Software.

Staying an extra week allowed me to take part in one more teacher training class before I left. Most of these teachers are from one private school in the area.

Our friend Dorjbat is back to help us with removing the water damaged wallpaper in one of our apartments.

Taken just hours ago, this picture shows an interesting combination of old and new. The traditional Mongolian gers are round structures built with wood poles and covered in heavy felt and canvas.

Thank you so much for your prayers! We really appreciate it.

In Christ,

– Adam

Adam Waller ~

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if
we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9

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The Forward Advance

Adam's Updates

Saturday,January 8th, 2005
, Mongolia

Dear Family and Friends,

As we came to the close of 2004, our team had the opportunity to do something that I have often wanted to do. Jesus said “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” After much discussion and planning, Tim and I arranged for our staff to be able to take an entire week off from our normal work, and spend personal time in seeking the Lord as we move into this new year.

A collection of 23 video messages from our ATI Regional Training Conferences provided a scheduled focus for the week, while still allowing us to spend a good amount of time to “Come apart and rest a while.” It was such a blessing to be able to set aside all the projects and appointments and be refreshed in body and spirit.

Of the messages we saw, I was particularly blessed by the theme of Kingdom Authority. When Jesus humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of a cross, God highly exalted Him, and has given Him a name that is above every other name of things in heaven and earth. (Phil. 2) As Christians we have been raised up to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Eph. 2:6)

In the Great Commission, Jesus said “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…” When we operate under His authority, we carry His authority. This gives us great boldness in prayer, knowing that every evil principality and power is subject to the name of Jesus. We don’t have to fear the attacks of the enemy, because we have the authority of Jesus Christ to resist the devil, and he will flee from us.

I was also tremendously encouraged by Dr. Karl Coke’s messages on going out and “Taking the land.” Using the nation of Israel and the conquest of Canaan as an example, he showed us how the word for inheritance means something a little different than our common English understanding. It means going in and taking the land, dispossessing the inhabitants. This has tremendous potential when you relate it to advancing the Kingdom of God.

We are not passively standing by and waiting for people to somehow come to Christ, but we are actively going out and teaching all nations. We were not raised in Christian homes and given such powerful truths from God’s Word just so we could keep it all to ourselves as we live our isolated lives! No! We are going out and engaging the enemy in a battle, not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

In the past few weeks it is becoming more and more evident that God is doing something great in this nation of Mongolia! The Russian Basic Seminar where we faced such unexpected problems with our VCR equipment is beginning to bear some exciting fruit! The life-changing power of applying the principles of the Word of God is being demonstrated by a number of the attendees.

In the past few days I have been doing some errands with Ideree, one of our staff. As the pastor of a new church here in the city, Ideree had shared with me his vision to teach these Biblical principles to the people in his church. Taking some further time to study and review, Ideree prepared to share with his church last week for two hours on Sunday afternoon as the first of several weeks of teaching.

Weaving through the streets in a taxi together, Ideree told me that his people had responded enthusiastically to the clear Biblical teaching on God’s purposes in how we were designed, and our need to accept and thank God for the unchangeables that He has given us. The two hours had turned into four hours, and the people are eagerly looking forward to hearing more next week.

One boy told Ideree that after the session he went home and destroyed all his computer games. -An area of particular struggle for him. Another had made a decision to get rid of wrong music. Another who was going to dye his hair realized his rejection of God’s design, and turned away from this idea.

On Thursday, Sodnom, Ideree, and I had a meeting in my office, and Sodnom shared some of the things that the Lord has been doing in their family after the seminar. The three of us were nearly in tears as we saw the great way that God has been working in their lives. I cannot help but feel that God is going to greatly bless this commitment to follow His ways!

I talked with a young man at the main Holy Way church last Sunday, and asked if he knew about the seminar. “Yes,” he told me, “The Basic Seminar is famous here.” A group of people from the main church have asked if Ideree or Sodnom can share this material with them, similar to what Ideree was doing for his church.

Not only was the Basic Seminar a great blessing to the ones that attended, but I believe that it was a major forward advancement for the Kingdom of God here in Ulaanbaatar. In a few weeks we will be hosting a second seminar in English for additional pastors and church leaders here in the City. This second seminar I believe is another key part in bringing the truths of the Bible to strengthen believers in this nation.

The potential is so great! We have before us a nation that has just had the freedom to share the gospel for the past 15 years, and have only had the whole Bible for four years. Thousands of new Christians are in need of being discipled and trained in the ways of God. I know of no better tool than to bring the message of the Basic Seminar to the people of Mongolia.

In addition to the work of the Basic Seminar, we are also continuing to teach principles of character. This year we launched another phase of ministry with our Character-English classes. On Thursday evening we had a great start to our first class this year with about 15 people. One young lady talked to us afterwards and said she wants to know more about character and Christian things.

This morning we started the Saturday Character-English class, but soon became swamped with registrations. The coats piled up to four deep on our coat rack as about 40 people crowded into our classroom for the Saturday morning class. Again, we had many opportunities to talk with people, and one young lady is planning to go to church with us tomorrow.

Just yesterday we got an unexpected call from the WindFM Radio station. We work with Khishgee on a weekly basis, explaining some character materials for her radio program, but this time she wanted to know if she could come over and do an interview with us. I must say that it was only with a confidence that God will give us the grace to carry out the opportunities He calls us to do that I cheerfully accepted the offer and we scheduled for her to come at 2:00 that afternoon.

For nearly two hours, Cindy, Khishgee and I discussed character, how we learn character, and how it benefits our lives. The actual interview will probably be about 10 or 15 minutes, but the recording seemed to go very well. It was neat to again see the Lord’s grace in action. I felt surprisingly calm and able to clearly share without feeling nervous.

Yesterday also marked a significant day with the Mongolian Bible Software project. The Lord allowed me to find the needed information to solve the main problem that we were facing, and yesterday morning I met with Ewen for a most encouraging meeting to discuss the project. His completed version of the text file, and my research on compiling it for the program have placed us very close to a first beta release of the software.

I am so excited to see how the Lord has been working in this all along. It is such a joy to be involved with the project, and yet I would not have had the time to do it on my own. Ewen’s diligent work on heading up the project puts us in the realistic potential of having the beta version finished before I leave!

As I have alluded to a few times in this e-mail, I am planning to head back to the States to spend some time with my family. In two weeks it will be 10 months since I left Oklahoma City, and it will be special to see my family again. I plan to spend some time at home, potentially returning to Mongolia if the Lord continues to so direct.

May God richly bless you for your part in this great work! It is not that we are doing anything special, but that God so loved Mongolia that He has sent us forth as His laborers into these fields. It takes time to write updates, but I want you to be encouraged so that he that sows and he that reaps may rejoice together!

Praise Points:

– Praise the Lord for a wonderful week with the Lord as we moved into the new year. God’s blessing on our work over the past days has richly rewarded our decision to seek first the Kingdom of God.

– I am so grateful for the grace that God continues to give each day! Leading the team with Tim and Angie away sometimes involves additional responsibilities and decisions, but the Lord’s grace is always sufficient!

Prayer Requests:

– Pray that the Lord would give me wisdom in how I use my time in these last days before leaving Mongolia. Pray that I would have a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and work on the priorities that would be most important in the big picture.

– I am still working out the arrangements for my return to the States. I just learned today that the plane to Beijing is full on the date that I was initially planning to leave, so pray that the Lord would direct in having me fly back at exactly the right time in His plan.

– One of the primary projects I am trying to finish is a Mongolian brochure for the Basic Seminar. We have a first draft, but are still working to find exactly the right way to express the words and ideas in the Mongolian language.

– Pray that the Lord would work out the final details for finishing the Bible Software project. I would really like to have it finished and give it to our translators before I leave.

– Tim and Angie are scheduled to return next Wednesday. Pray that the Lord would give them safe travel, and that they would have a smooth adjustment back into life with CTI-Mongolia.


I don’t know if I have ever had pizza before for Christmas dinner, but it sure made sense to all of us this year. On Christmas Eve we had a nice home cooked dinner with Gambaa and his family, so something a little easier but still special was in order for Christmas day.

I thought you might enjoy seeing a picture of our pastors and their wives in traditional Mongolian dress. Enkhee is on the right with his wife Sodnom. Enkhee is the main pastor of the Holy Way church that we attend, and his wife Sodnom works as one of our translators. (She and Cindy have been heavily involved in the Basic Seminar workbook.)

On the left is Dugermaa and his wife Oyunaa. Serving as the assistant pastor at Holy Way, Dugermaa is also very gifted in music and poetry. He is currently involved in translating the book of Proverbs into Mongolian poetic form.

Traditional Mongolian gers can even be found in the City, like this one that I can see from my apartment window. Covered with layers of heavy felt, the ger is heated by a coal or wood fueled stove in the center.

Although not very big, the kitchen in the main apartment has served us well. For big occasions like Thanksgiving, we set up some tables to add to the limited counter space.

This is the street in front of our building. In the winter, the roads slowly build up a layer of dirty snow and ice. The snow seems to mainly come in very small layers, so what is not swept off with large brooms is packed onto the road surface by the passing vehicles.

Thank you so much for praying for us!

In Christ,

– Adam

Adam Waller ~

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if
we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9

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